
7th Mar. 2016 あなたの今年の目標覚えていますか? ...Do you remember your target and goal of this year ?

* 今日は新しい参加者を迎えました。Hiroこと、伊藤博三(いとうひろみ)さんです。
 We had a new comer "Hiro (Ito Hiromi)". Nice to see you!
To recomfirm my target.  (わたしの目標を再確認しよう)
Keep your goal in your memory. (あなたのゴールを覚えておいてね)
* MaCCi-san...新曲を4曲作ること。
A...My target is making 4 original songs.
* Sam-san... 2ヵ国を訪問する予定が、1ヵ国になった。
A..My target is visiting Spain and Australia.
...I postponed visiting Spain.
...スペインは来年に延期(= postpone)しました。
Q...For next year ?
A...Next year.
Q...You gave up one country. So you visit one foreign country within this year.
(within this year 年内に)
* Shizu-chan...
A...My target is visiting Hokkaido 2 nights 3 days.
Q...By Shinkansen ?
A...But Shinkansen is very expensive.
Q...I see.
And another target is
making powerful body by piratice(ピラティス)
I would like to gain(獲得する) my mastle-mass 38kg.
Everyone...OMG !! (We were surprized to hear her weight is 45kg)
* Hiro( today's new comer)...1ヶ月に3回はレッスンに通いたい。
A...My target is 3 times to join English conversation class in a month.
....最後に[ at least (少なくとも) ]をつけると良い。
Would you please to keep your goal in your memory ?
+++ keep left ......左側通行
+++ keep clean ...きれいにしておく
MaCCi > Question > Hiro.
Q...I would like to ask you the question.
....why you would like to join this conversation class ?
+++ when I was young  (20歳代のときに=20's) +++
When I was 20's I had an experience to get into an English conversation class.
But I gave up.
+++  experience=経験 +++ get into~ ( ~の中に入り込む) +++
( abroad = foreign country )
Q...Speak slowly PLS(please).
A...I guess (=think) you have many many questions about English,
...could you tell us your questions please about English ?
Hiro-san said
I bought two rolls of bread from Nisshindo.(日新堂).
I always go to Nisshindo at lunch time.
Shizu-chan served us them.
We ate it. It was nice.
+++ くるみ(=walnuts)
I have a school lunch everyday.
I take a school lunch everyday.
Sam-san has a new smart-phone.
Q...When did you get your new smart-phone ?
A...The day before yesterday.
the day before yesterday..おととい
3 days before.............3日前
1 months before..........1ヶ月前
the day after tomorrow...あさって
3 days after.............3日後
1 months after...........1ヶ月後
+++ Hiro's hobby is collecting stamps +++
Q...How many stamps did you get ?
A...I can't count.
Q...What is the most expensive stamp ?
A...More than 80 thousand yen per 1 piece.
Q...Kidding !
A...I'm sure !
困ったなぁ...I'm in trouble.
おねがい!...........I ask a faver.
お願いがあるの!......Ask me a faver please.
礼儀正しく言うとき...I'd like to ask a faver.

**** HomeWork of next week! *****
PLS make three sentences to use "Do me a faver".
"Do me a faver PLS(please)"

See you next time !!

2 件のコメント:

  1. Good job (^-^)/ thanks,I really appropriate it.

  2. Thank you mochan !
    Now I can connect our conversation tonight.
    Oh I have to make my target (^_^;)
